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Apex Legends L-Star overview

The L-Star began life in Season 2 of Apex Legends as an extremely high-DPS Care Package-exclusive LMG. Now it’s a world-drop item, and it still blitzes enemies like any other LMG in the game, but it’s probably the most unusual of all the LMGs on offer thanks to its overheating mechanic - which, if mastered by learning when to ease off the trigger, means you effectively never need to reload the L-Star. All that matters is landing your shots, and if you can do that, you’ll find the high DPS more than capable of melting enemies in fractions of a second. In fact, the L-Star’s sheer power allowed it to dominate the meta through Season 10, which is why in Season 11 it received a nerf to its damage, barrel effectiveness, and projectile size to bring it more in line with other top full-auto weapons. The below sections go through just about every statistic that might be useful to know about the L-Star LMG in Apex Legends. The first gives basic stats, the second focuses on damage, and the third section displays various handling stats for the L-Star.

Apex Legends L-Star stats

Weapon Type: LMG Ammo: Energy Firing Modes: Full-Auto Attachment Slots: Barrel, Magazine, Optic, Stock Consecutive shots before overheating: 20/22/24/26

L-Star damage stats

Damage (Body/Head/Leg): 17/30/14 RPM: 600 Body DPS: 170 Body Shots To Kill: 6/9/11/12/14 Fortified Body Shots To Kill: 7/11/13/14/16

L-Star handling stats

Venting Time: 0.15s Non-Overheat Cooldown Time: 1.15s Overheat Cooldown Time: 2.45s Draw Time: 0.70s ADS Movement Speed: 41%

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