Apple informed Epic of this in an email late on September 21st, according to Epic CEO Tim Sweeney. The statements that Apple are referencing, Sweeney believes, are from one of his Tweets earlier this month in which he says, “Thinking much more about whether we’re going to live in a world where two platform megacorps dictate software and world commerce to everyone or whether the digital world and the future metaverse will be a free world. Wouldn’t trade that away to get Fortnite back on iOS.” Sure, Apple’s translation does seem rather reductive. Regardless of any bad faith by either party though, it sounds like Apple are putting their feet down on this one. Fortnite is still grounded from using its cell phone. As they do, the two big corps will likely carry on with appeals as long as they’re able. That was always likely to be a years long process, but now it may also be holding Fornite players off iOS for its entire duration.