Outriders finally pinned down a release date in a new trailer, below. If you’ve been keeping track of Outriders, however, you’ll notice that it’s a fair bit later than the planned “Holiday 2020” release window the devs had in mind.

An RPG shooter in the vein of Destiny, Outriders sees a band of bench-pressing gunfolks stranded on a dreary planet in the moments of a sudden, mysterious calamity. Fortunately, it seems to have given them superpowers and a thirst for making gear numbers go up. People Can Fly started posting in-depth vidblogs of the game earlier this year, starting with a breakdown of a Division-esque world tier system and clone-hopping Trickster class. Unfortunately, it’ll be a few more months before the gore starts flying. Writing in a blog post earlier today, Square Enix community manager Toby Palm explained the all-too-familiar reasoning behind the game’s delay. Surprise, surprise, but our old friend “the harrowing global pandemic” has once again delayed a videogame release - and while the game is largely done, the outbreak seems to have thrown a wrench in their testing pipeline. To lighten the sting, Squenix announced that Outriders will launch with full crossplay between Steam, Epic, and all its console platforms both current and next-gen. Preorders have also gone live, and you can pick up Outriders at either store for £50/€60/$60 ahead of its release on February 2nd, 2021.