With a group of burgle buddies called things like “The Cleaner” and “The Gentlemen,” the aim of each level is to break into a building, steal a priceless item, and then get out without creating too much hoopla. Like Dick Van Cheadle being Danny Ocean’s munitions man, each of the playable characters has their own speciality: The Locksmith can open doors and safes more quickly than the rest, The Lookout can see all areas of the map at all times, The Hacker is… good at hacking, basically. While playing solo is an option, let’s be honest: heisting is a group activity. As Brad needs Bernie, The Mole needs The Pickpocket. When things eventually go south, bantering with your co-op partner is much more fun than blaming a botched operation on your own shoddiness. Squabbles can become full-scale arguments as missions get more lengthy later on, but for a few hours, Monaco is a wonderful Danny Ocean simulator.