If you’re up against a predominantly red enemy, then you must switch from your own red-hot summer bod for a cooler, winter-y blue, in order to deal damage. This ability really shines during Outland’s massive boss battles. These big bads fire both red and blue attacks your way, forcing you to shift between the two pigmentations as quick as you can. It’s manic, sure, but so satisfying when you pull it off. It isn’t all about being aggressive, though: playing with colouration is a must for getting around. You’ll fall straight through blue platforms if you’re wearing your red skin, and vice-versa. Some of the more complex platforming sequences that pop up can test your patience, but, again, you feel like some sort of glowing god when you reach the end of one of these tougher sections. Who needs wholly original ideas when smushing together mechanics from other games provides something as wonderful as this?