Along with the date announcement, Guerilla have published a trailer going over the PC-specific features you can expect for the port. Mostly it involves someone enthusiastically dragging a slider back and forth to the tune of the soundtrack but hey, here ya go: Based on the trailer, you’ll be able to take advantage of ultra-wide screen support and unlocked frame rates. You can set your field of view, frame rate limit, and customize your graphics settings. Oh and improved reflections and “dynamic foliage” which I probably won’t notice while I’m busy rolling around fighting giant Sawtooths but I’m sure it’s impressive. As another biggie, you’ll be able to remap control keys in the settings as well. I personally prefer a gamepad for my action games, but I know you mouse and keyboard folks like to play around with customising controls. On the performance side, I imagine it’ll run reasonably well. Katharine’s already been through some early tests with Death Stranding’s PC port, which runs on the same engine, and found that it runs beautifully on a GTX 1060. With any luck, we can expect the same from HZD. Sony have hinted that more PlayStation exclusives might come to PC as well. Lookin’ at you, Final Fantasy VII Remake. The Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, including the Frozen Wilds expansion, will launch on Steam and the Epic Games Store on August 7th for £33/€50/$50.