Did I say fun? I meant terrifying. Bastion is scary enough to go up against when he’s sitting in a corner somewhere on the ground, let alone when he’s mowing you down from above. Attack helicopter Bastion is a Workshop mod made by Reddit user “Rarithlynx”, which, as you’ve probably guessed by now, turns Bastion into a flying murder-bot. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Naturally, I had to have a go of this myself. The weird thing about this is that you’re actually not properly playing as Bastion. Rarithlynx has made it so you’re technically playing as Echo (a robot who is actually supposed to be able to fly), but with Bastion’s model kind of put over the top.

Here I am, experiencing the fleeting thrill of aerial superiority. In hindsight I should’ve put a Pharah on the opposite team for a true test of airborne firepower. Despite me raining bullets down on them, the other team did manage to take me out eventually, at which point the mod kinda… broke. It pulled me out of turret mode and left me in his standing recon form, which was much less effective to shoot players with.

Regardless, this is definitely one to add to my list of bizarre Workshop modes wot I like. If you wanna try it out yourself, whack the code A2BTM into the Workshop and you, too, can become an attack helicopter. It’s also worth mentioning this isn’t even the first time this person has sent Bastion into the skies. Rarithlynx remade the robot in Unity and gave him an Apache Helicopter ultimate. Why not?