If you’ve ever watched an episode of Looney Tunes, you can probably imagine what you’re about to see. The careful consideration of each shot this player makes is what really gets me here. They spend so long looking for the specific planks to shoot out - they move around, take another shot, have a little reload, then just stare at the safe as it plummets towards their head. Some players are successfully using these new ground-breaking mechanics, however. It seems like shooting the safes down can actually be a viable strategy, so long as you’re more careful with your footing. My main surprise with these is how long players are standing shooting at the ceiling without getting snuck up on and murdered by the enemy team. This next one is particularly impressive. I was convinced it was going to end up in a similar way to that first one until I noticed the death pop up in the kill feed. Well played. I’m hesitant to try out this game mode because I honestly think it’ll be me rapidly descending through the building rather than the safes. It looks like a lot of chaotic fun though, and if you fancy trying it yourself, The Stolen Goods game mode is live for the next two weeks as part of Siege’s Grand Larceny event.