To celebrate the Patreon’s third birthday, they’re taking to Twitch tomorrow to stream all 77 of their games. Even if you’re a subscriber to the Patreon, it’s doubtful you’ve played them all, so watching the developers play and talk about making them sounds like a good time. The gang did a trailer for the anniversary announcement: There are more details over on their Patreon, but the gist is that they’ll play all their games beginning Sunday, January 17th at 9am GMT/10am CET/1am PT. It’ll all be happening on the Sokpop Twitch channel, where you can set a reminder for yourself via the schedule page Sokpop point out that if they “play every game just 5 minutes, it will still take at least 6.5 hours.” I strongly suspect it’ll run much longer than that, but it’s not like you were going to do anything productive on a Sunday anyway. If you want to play the games yourself, you can sign up to their Patreon via the links above, or grab all of them on Steam for $3 each or in various bundles. Sokpop have said that they plan on continuing to make games in 2021, although they’re considering reducing the pace to ‘just’ one game a month.