Spelunky 2 blasts off to the Moon to explore more levels of caves and ruins, down and down through different biomes with strange wildlife and stranger mysteries. It’s a roguelike sorta thing, with procedurally-generated levels and all sorts of secrets and surprising interactions between systems to discover, learn, and ultimately use to your advantage. And lots of deaths that make you start a new run, obvs. As our Graham has written about before, the process of discovery is a joy. Now here comes the sequel with lots of familiar enemies and items, sure, but plenty new too. How might new traps, enemies, and items interact? Which secrets might it be hiding? Don’t tell me, I want to find out for myself. If you do want to know a little more about it, I recommend Christian Donlan’s Spelunky 2 review on Eurogamer, which has some good Donlan-y words. I mean, it did up until the point I stopped reading because I don’t want to know. Or hell, go wild and watch people playing on Twitch. I believe Graham’s probing the Moon for our review too. Spelunky 2 is due on Steam September 29th. It’s out on PlayStation 4 now, boooooo.