The game stars Annika Stonefly, a brilliant miniature inventor who loses her father’s bug mech and sets off on an adventure to get it back. She’s joined by a team of pilots called the Acorn Corps, whose character designs and personalities are laid out above. I like the description of the story as “Rogue One shrunk down to Fern Gully size.” In between the lovely character animation and chats between characters, the trailer also gives more glimpses of the game’s rigs, the bug mechs you’ll be piloting over the course of the game. They hop and hover like insects and can seemingly drop projectiles from above, but I’m most interested in any time the combat looks physical, as when you’re shunting your enemies around or trying to shove them from ledges. Flight School previously made Creature In The Well, which had a similar style and interesting pinball-based combat. Stonefly looks like a step forward and I remain excited to play it. It’s aiming for release sometime this summer, and you can wishlist it on Steam now.