Techland’s Twitch channel will host the event tonight, so make sure to tune in. What will we see? Who the flip knows? But the announcement promises “more about Dying Light 2!”, and we were promised that the game will be released in 2021. Surely, surely, now is the time to bring us all the footage that has been saved up for the past few years? It has been a long time since we’ve heard about the game. Instead, we’ve had stories about Techland’s management failures, the various narrative designer dramas, and a delay. That is a lot of not-the-game. Please, I beg of you, show us the game. Our last proper look at it was in 2019, when Matt Cox (RPS in peace) had a good old stare at the E3 demo. He came away content that the game’s narrative ambitions, where the city will dramatically change according to your decisions, will craft an excellent game. I dare say the promises Techland made back then is the reason everyone is still invested in it. I know I want to hop into a friend’s game and see how his choices have shaped things differently from mine. Unless they say otherwise, Dying Light 2 is still scheduled for release sometime in 2021.