We have plenty of digressions this week as well, including a big thing about the whole beans on Weetabix thing, and giving Matthew a roasting because he says he doesn’t like food that “glistens”. Absolute nonsense.

You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat. Music is by Jack de Quidt. Please bow to corporate pressure and buy our merch. Links I talked about the lovely brand work in Obsidian’s fun space RPGThe Outer Worlds. I’ve previously written about the art in their loading screens here. Matthew raised the cool alt-50s style brands in Fallout. Nate talked about the cool brands for the weapons in Borderlands, the intentionally silly things in Resident Evil 3, and the game brands he himself made up for Gamedev Tycoon. He and Matthew also had a nice little chat about the fizzy drinks in Hitman. Here is an article about Stuart Semple’s art feud with Anish Kapoor, although more has happened in the three and so years since this. Recommendations this week are Death’s End by Cixin Liu, this YouTube essay about why the music in the Cats movie is terrible, and Bilge Ebiri’s Oral History Of An Emperor’s New Groove on Vulture.