Our Alice Bee has the Legendary Edition downloaded on Origin, where her update is about 9GB, while Steam users are reporting patches at 11GB or less. Check out the patch notes for this whopper below, these tweaks are live across PC and consoles now. Surprisingly small notes for such a large patch, right? I will say that I’ve already noticed the improved iris shaders. I didn’t actually realise that my Shep’s eyes reflecting light weirdly was a bug, and only noticed how much better it was after the tweak. I also finally saw the achievement for taking Tali on five missions in ME1 pop last night, after definitely having her around for more than five missions. I’m hoping that some of those “minor calibrations and fixes” include dealing with some of the bugs that keep cropping up. There’s an issue with the Mako that I (and a bunch of other players) keep having where occasionally I can’t click on anything when I leave the space tank. I have to save and reload to sort it, which isn’t the end of the world, but I’d still rather not have to waste time I could be using to zoom around alien planets. Others have reported problems like dialogue and animations getting cut off, and weird outlines appearing around characters in cutscenes. Alice Bee had issues with her guns just not wanting to fire at all too, though it doesn’t seem to have put her off from playing the Legendary Edition. I wish these patch notes were more detailed so I could know which bugs are actually fixed. Have you noticed any improvements in your games, reader? Or, are there any issues you’re still struggling with? Beyond the Mako thing, it’s been pretty smooth sailing for me, though I can’t speak for ME2 or ME3 just yet.