If you’re struggling with the solution to today’s Wordle, then have a look at our below hints. Further below, we’ll reveal the Wordle answer today, along with an explanation of the word should you need it (and today, it’s possible you might). Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Wordle July 10 hints

If you’re struggling to complete today’s Wordle to your satisfaction, give the below three Wordle hints a whirl and see if they can lead you towards the answer:

Today’s Wordle word ends in an “H”. There’s just one vowel, and it’s in the second position. If you were to type “THREE”, four letters would light up yellow.

Today’s Wordle answer July 10

Today’s Wordle answer is: BERTH. A slightly unusual word is the answer to today’s Wordle. You might have heard “BERTH” used in as part of the saying “give someone a wide berth”, which means to steer clear of them. The original term is nautical - a berth is the name given to the space designated for a vessel in a port or harbour. So, giving a ship a “wide berth” means to give it space, and go around it. As always, we kindly implore you not to go spreading the answer to today’s Wordle around to everyone before they’ve had the chance to play the game for themselves. Or else your friends and family members may end up giving you a wide berth for a while. If you want to become a Wordle pro and guess every answer in just half the guesses you’re given, then check out our lists of the best Wordle starting words and past Wordle answers, so you know both which words to guess and which not to guess, respectively.