Therefore, if you intend to play today’s Wordle, don’t click ahead or read down! This post is for if you miss a day, fail a day, or are trying to remember the solution from some point in the distant future.

Wordle solution for #242, February 16th 2022

Each day, Wordle gives players six attempts to guess that day’s solution. The solution is a five-letter word and it’s the same for all users - or, ordinarily it is. Currently, you might get different answers depending on whether you’re playing on the original site or the version of the game that’s migrated to the New York Times. The NYT say the duplication is temporary as they continue to migrate player data - streaks, etc. - across to the new system. Here is today’s solution to Wordle #242: caulk You could, of course, use this information to cheat, but then you’d only be cheating yourself. Wordle is almost always straightforward to solve, but the real challenge is in trying to do it in as few guesses as possible. Getting it right on your first guess would be nice, but it would also destroy the fun - and probably make your friends suspicous. If Wordle really is too easy for you, try playing on four grids simultaneously.