Below you’ll find a handful of carefully constructed clues that you can use to help solve today’s Wordle. Scroll a little further down and we’ll reveal the complete Wordle answer for today, along with an explanation of the word’s meaning if you need it. Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Wordle hints for Wednesday 11 May 2022

If you’re finding today’s Wordle to be a little trickier than usual, you can make use of the following hints to make the task of guessing the right word a little easier:

Today’s Wordle has three consonants. The first three letters make up a word which relates to distance. If you were to type in “CREAM”, then four of the five letters would appear yellow.

Wordle answer for Wednesday 11 May 2022

If you’re looking for the solution word to today’s Wordle puzzle, then check it out just below, along with an explanation of the word if you need it. The answer to today’s Wordle is: FARCE. It’s a farce! It’s a joke! It’s a sham! Yes, farce is today’s Wordle solution, a word commonly used to describe a completely ridiculous event, or an absolute failure. And you’ll be characterised as such if you conspire to ruin other people’s enjoyment of Wordle by spoiling the answer to everyone. So be sure to keep shtum: the answer is for your eyes only. If you’ve been finding the daily Wordle puzzles a little too challenging lately, be sure to check back every day for our new hints and answer guide. For more tips, you can check our our best Wordle starting words guide, along with our list of past Wordle answers so that you know which words cannot possibly be the answer.